Monday, October 8, 2012

hCG -- Day 5


Another 1.8 lbs down !!!

Total losses:
Including load pounds gained:  Down 5.8 lbs
Net pounds lost (pre-load weight):  Down 3.1 lbs
Two-Day Net Average:  1.55 lbs

(Ooooh, to keep up that momentum !!!)

I know this is going to taper off to way less than that per day, but I sure am enjoying the ride.  :)

Enjoying the cooler weather here.  I may get out and walk a bit later this afternoon.  Maybe even go to the tanning salon.  For now, I'm enjoying the day off work and getting a little housework done here and there.  Energy levels are good, but I'm in a lazy mood today.  LOL

No real hunger today.  Yesterday, it was a bit touchy right before bed.  During established meal times, I wasn't very hungry and filled up quickly.  I'd not had my evening vegetable, so I had a diced tomato.  It did the trick rather nicely.  Tonight, I'll save part of my strawberries as a late snack.

Today, I decided to cook a lot of chicken at once, portion out into zip-top bags, and freeze.  And, when I say a lot, I mean eighteen 4 oz breasts to be divvied up into almost 21 meals.  (4 x 18) / 3.5 = 20.57 meals.  I wish I could eat this cheaply ALL of the time !  Hopefully, these quick-grab bags will help keep me Perfectly on Plan (POP) the entire time I am on hCG and the 3 days after my last dose.  I may go ahead and cook 3 more so I can have another bag done.  Apparently I miscalculated and will have a bit of chicken left over.  I'd give it to the cat, but it's been seasoned.

For today's meals:

5 strawberries

3.5 oz Chicken
1/4 Cabbage, roasted (no oil) with onion powder, garlic powder, freshly ground pepper and sea salt, and cayenne.

5 Strawberries

3.5 oz Shrimp
1/4 Cabbage (same as above)
5 Strawberries

5 strawberries

Of course, there will be lots and lots of water and flavored-decaf coffee throughout the day.

Not sure if anyone is interested in my meals each day, but it WILL help me keep track.

Happy losing !!!