Sunday, October 7, 2012

hCG -- Day 4


Down 4 lbs this morning !!!  That's recouping the 2.7 lbs gained during the two Loading Days and 1.3 lbs of abnormal fat.  Not too shabby.  :)

Today's eats have been Strawberries, shrimp, diced tomatoes, German Chocolate Cake decaf coffee, chicken breast cooked on the stove top  (a little water keeps it from sticking), and later I will have a mug of tomato soup (homemade).

I've not been truly hungry today, but I did find myself wandering around the kitchen.  I freely admit I tend to "graze".  I just didn't realize how BAD I can be.  Wow.

Lots of water on the agenda.  Maybe another pot of decaf somethingorother..  Not really used to the idea of coffee without cream, but I'm getting there.  Maybe I can cut artificial sweetener next.

If you're hCGing it too, lots of luck on your journey.  :)